5 competencies the leader of the future must possess

5 competencies the leader of the future must possess

We’re living in an increasingly dynamic and complex society, undergoing rapid transformation.

The challenges are numerous, in a context where the demand for innovation is endless and only tends to increase with the emergence of new technologies.

Thus, contemporary leaders need to be aware of the growing globalized and digital environment to do what machines, even with artificial intelligence, cannot do: have empathy, connection, and devise strategies.

Do you know which competencies are necessary for the leader of the future? We’ve outlined the 5 most important ones that every leader should have. Follow along with the topics!

1. Innovation

2. Critical Thinking

3. Data-driven Decision Making

4. Digital Mindset

5. Resilience


Going through such a significant digital transformation process in recent years and not being attentive to having an innovative spirit is almost impossible.

Therefore, for the leaders of the future, one of the main required competencies will be innovation. Thus, receiving new ideas, finding alternative solutions, and thinking outside the box means having the courage and ability to deal with the unknown.

And as we are in constant, increasingly rapid changes, the development of this skill will be essential.

It is worth noting that being innovative does not necessarily mean creating or having a novel attitude. Innovation also lies in improvement and the ability to resolve conflicts.

Critical thinking

Despite being immersed in a trend to automate processes, we still need critical thinking to analyze the most appropriate actions according to the situation.

And this competency, despite technological advancements, will always be expected from employees, especially leaders, who guide the entire team. After all, digital tools are useless if critical thinking is not present as a guide for strategic advantages and decisions.

Skills of the future: data-driven decision making

A leader’s decisions need to be decisive, as the steps taken can affect the team’s delivery and, consequently, the company’s results.

Thus, a leader needs to base their decisions on consistent data that represent a solid foundation for the company’s aspirations.

This will also be reflected in the performance and engagement of the entire team, which will be more motivated when they perceive that the adopted strategies are solid and derived from logical information from the company.

Digital mindset

A mindset related to the use of new technologies is essential for incorporating changes in organizations.

Undeniably, disseminating organizational culture is the responsibility of leaders, who will be responsible for ensuring that other employees understand and work with new processes, increasing productivity.

But this is not possible without a digital mindset, without understanding the need to reprogram the mindset for a paradigm shift. This involves not only using digital tools but also having an active management style that encourages autonomy and continuous learning.

Skills of the future: resilience

Resilience means having the ability to overcome obstacles and then navigate through adversities, overcoming them quickly.

Therefore, this competency is essential for leaders who live in a context of constant change. It will be necessary to quickly rise from a crisis, find fast solutions to daily problems, and not be discouraged by obstacles.

These are the main competencies that a leader of the future will need to possess to be a recognized professional in the market.

And you? Are you prepared for the future? If not, rely on the best digital solutions to update your company. So, get to know Ubistart and understand how we can help you stay competitive and relevant. Click here to learn more.

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