5 Gamification technologies to use in the classroom

5 Gamification technologies to use in the classroom

Currently, nothing captures the attention of young people quite like digital games released across various platforms, whether on PC, Xbox, PlayStation, or others. In them, we can also notice that they follow well-defined elements such as objectives, rewards, rankings, engaging stories, and frequent feedback.

On the other hand, gamification is a methodology that applies the same concepts used in games. It’s already a trend in numerous sectors and is also becoming popular in the education sector.

Follow this article and learn more about the subject and how gamification can be better utilized in the classroom, using some technologies. Follow the topics:

  • Learning in a playful way
  • Gamification and technology
  • Expanding horizons with gamification

Learning in a playful way

This methodology is employed as a means to engage students and make learning more effective. Given that games and play are integral to human development and expression, as noted by scholar Johan Huizinga.

Today, there are some intriguing concepts used across various sectors that can also be brought into the classroom, as they have the potential to generate learning and further engage students. Here are a few:

1) Badge System: This system motivates students by awarding them badges for their achievements and progress. Students can earn these badges by completing tasks, missions, and quizzes. Interestingly, it is widely used in scouting.

2) Leaderboard: This system fosters competition among students through a ranking where they can see their position and compare it with their peers’ levels.

3) Leveling System: This system assigns different levels to students based on their performance in class or tasks. As they reach higher levels, they gain access to rewards and privileges, such as the ability to choose seats or participate in a special activity.

Gamification and Technology

The use of games in educational methodologies has been introduced for several years, albeit in a rudimentary form, using games such as cards or pens, for example. Now, some technological tools are also being incorporated.

Now, let’s explore 5 gamification technologies to use in the classroom that can contribute to increasing student engagement and interest in study topics, as well as developing or improving certain skills:


Although developed for corporate use, it can be adapted for the classroom. As expected, its method employs points, medals, and rankings, mechanisms and strategies that make games interesting and encourage engagement, learning, and performance.

Centrical is a web tool that provides constant feedback, further engaging users and employing systems of medals, coins, and levels. Additionally, the novelty factor is induced by challenges, draws, and minigames.


This is a Brazilian cloud-based platform, intuitive, designed to promote engagement, productivity, and consequently, generate more results. However, the platform already has a model for remote management, improving student engagement in extracurricular activities or even in distance learning classes.

Gamefic is multi-device, functioning even on TV, and utilizes artificial intelligence and machine learning to understand the user’s profile, recommending actions and personalizing the experience.


Unlike the previous two platforms, Seppo is specific for building “learning games”. Teachers can create engagement games that can be used in the classroom or at home.

Another notable feature is that games created by teachers can be available in public libraries, which already have games in their catalog. Additionally, it was developed to operate at any academic level and offers a 1-month trial.


Socrative allows easy and visual monitoring of student understanding, optimizing educators’ time. Simultaneously, it makes classes more fun and interactive.

The tool is 100% free for students on any device. For schools, Socrative offers a free layer that allows up to 50 students per room, with minor restrictions.


ClassDojo is one of the most well-known gamification tools and is used by various schools in the United States. It has a Portuguese version and connects parents, students, and teachers to deliver a rich teaching experience.

Moreover, the platform includes a series of tools for teachers to organize their classes and for students to complete tasks and share with other classmates.

Expanding Horizons with Gamification

Lastly, it is clear that new generations require more effective means of incentivizing learning, and technology should be a strong ally, given that children and teenagers are increasingly familiar with the digital world.

Especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, special attention has been focused on educational methodologies, as most countries have been forced to adopt remote learning.

Therefore, the shift from in-person to digital environments has also required the use of new techniques to keep students engaged in the content, while simultaneously developing skills that will be crucial for their personal and professional growth.

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