Comprehend React Native and how to get started

Comprehend React Native and how to get started

Today, React Native stands as one of the most popular frameworks for building mobile applications, and there’s a good reason for that. Ultimately, this technology enables us to generate apps for both Android and iOS using the same codebase.

In this way, it effectively addresses the challenge that many companies face when they need to maintain their applications across two different platforms.

If you’re not yet using this framework and want to learn more on the subject, explore the topics below and check out our article:

  • Why Use React Native?
  • Applications Already Developed with the Framework
  • Where Should I Begin?
  • React Native and Current Trends

Why use React Native?

Well, we can begin by highlighting the fact that React Native is a cross-platform framework developed by Facebook, based on their other framework called React JS.

One of its significant advantages is the utilization of native UI components of the device running the application, as well as the use of native APIs.

In other words, it genuinely leverages the native resources of the device, unlike some other frameworks that run the app in a disguised browser.

Furthermore, React Native boasts a robust community, which is very much appreciated when you encounter that elusive bug that has likely already been resolved by someone somewhere on the face of the Earth.

Applications already developed with the framework

In addition to Facebook and Instagram, which already demonstrate the scalability of the framework’s architecture, we have several other notable references, including Pinterest, Discord, Skype, Uber Eats, Airbnb, and domestic companies such as Nubank and Mélius.

To see a list of some of the largest companies using React Native, you can also visit the framework’s Showcase page. There, you’ll be amazed at the number of companies that utilize it.

Where should I begin?

React Native uses JavaScript as its base language, so the first step is to understand how this language functions. We can recommend the Learn JavaScript platform for this purpose.

There, you can access free and highly educational content for those looking to gain a solid foundation in JavaScript and don’t know where to start.

Additionally, Codecademy also offers valuable free content for both JavaScript and general React understanding.

Both platforms provide an online Integrated Development Environment (IDE), and all exercises are interactive. This not only accelerates language and framework learning but also simplifies the process of setting up your development environment.

For those who struggle to find sufficient information on how to create their own development environment, you can visit the Rocketseat website.

Tools for mobile development

Another useful tool for those embarking on mobile development with React Native is Expo, which allows you to install the application on your own smartphone using a QR code.

This is beneficial for two reasons. First, not all machines run Android system emulators smoothly, and even fewer handle iOS emulators well. Additionally, it’s well-known that this kind of approach consumes a significant amount of machine RAM. You might have experienced that famous ‘everything closes, and nothing opens’ scenario. Therefore, the option to build and install the app on a real smartphone alleviates many headaches.

The second reason is that it makes it easier to involve your clients, product owners, project managers, and others in the development process. This way, a real sense of how the app is progressing is created, facilitating the testing phase.

React Native and trends

As we can see so far, React Native is indeed setting trends in the world of mobile development, as it stands as one of the strongest frameworks for hybrid development.

From all indications, it’s likely to remain one of the top 3 frameworks in the market for a long time, thanks to its extensive community and Facebook’s continued support as a maintainer.

So, if you’re wondering whether it’s worth investing in learning React Native, the answer is a resounding yes. While there are strong competitors like Google’s Flutter, React Native is unlikely to lose its market dominance anytime soon.

Here at Ubistart, we also use React Native and frequently have opportunities for developers with knowledge of the framework. If you’re one of these individuals, click here to submit your resume!

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