Digital transformation in your company: Where to begin

Digital transformation in your company: Where to begin

We live in a society of constant change, and within this process, digital transformation is underway.

In this scenario, companies face the challenge of keeping up with trends and developing these technologies.

However, this is more than a fundamental task; it should be a priority because the ability to change and adapt to the environment dictates which companies remain relevant in the market and which perish along the way.

Although it may seem like a distant, difficult, and even futuristic project, starting digital transformation does not mean making an abrupt change in processes but rather a gradual transformation, which may be simpler than imagined.

Want to know how? Then follow the topics below and see where to start!

  • What is digital transformation?
  • What are the benefits for the business?
  • How to do it?

What is digital transformation?

Digital transformation is a process that involves changing or enhancing the performance of the corporate business model through the use of digital tools and contemporary technologies.

Thus, there is a replacement of processes aimed at improving results and increasing the company’s competitive advantage.

However, when considering implementing this change, it is important to understand that this concept encompasses more than just the use of new technologies.

This is because the process of digital transformation proposes profound changes in companies, which also include organizational culture, employees, customers, and daily activities.

In this context, organizational culture becomes the cornerstone, as it is of no use to equip the company with modern technologies if the company’s culture is not structured around this change.

What are the benefits for the business?

Several advantages can motivate a company to drive digital transformation, but undoubtedly the main one is survival. Keeping up with transformations is a precondition for businesses to continue. It’s a current necessity, not a future one.

Even though it may initially seem like another expense, this is a necessary investment that helps reduce costs. An example is process automation, replacing local servers with cloud services, which reduces tasks and physical space requirements.

Furthermore, new technologies make tasks simpler and more efficient, impacting employee satisfaction. Consequently, they become more engaged with the demands.

Inevitably, all the benefits of this process will result in an improvement in customer satisfaction and experience.

In other words, transformation needs to occur first in the mindset, so that the actions and mindset of the employees are aligned with the same objective.

How to do it?

As we’ve mentioned, digital transformation should begin with organizational culture. It’s essential that the business has a digital innovation strategy aligned with the organization’s routine and culture.

To achieve this, it’s important to focus on people, have effective communication with employees and customers, and ensure that each process is well explained.

Also, remember to structure these changes in stages, prioritizing bureaucratic and repetitive processes for automation, with the team’s engagement in participating and understanding these contributions.

Instead of trying to implement all the latest technologies available, analyze your business, identify the most analog departments, and gradually introduce this transformation.

This way, the investment will be more effective, with acquisitions that drive better results. It’s worth noting that continuous training of the team for this process is crucial, as this is an ongoing and infinite demand.
Now that you know how to start the digital transformation in your company, why not begin with the personalized solutions from Ubistart? Get in touch to learn more.

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