How Artificial Intelligence is transforming the legal sector

How Artificial Intelligence is transforming the legal sector

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly commonplace. Even if we don’t realize it, AI is present in our daily lives – in the live chat on an e-commerce website, facial recognition unlocking our phones, or Uber suggesting a driver for a trip.

AI-driven predictive algorithms influence everything, from Amazon product recommendations (e.g., “customers who bought this item also bought”) to what appears in your Twitter feed and which Google ads show up in your searches.

With this in mind, despite the legal sector’s prolonged hesitation to adopt new technologies, AI is also beginning to make its mark in law firms. In this case, its use can offer significant efficiency and cost savings, automating routine tasks such as legal research and analysis, document management, and billing.

In this article, we will explore how AI is transforming the legal sector, covering the following topics:

  • How lawyers can use AI in law firms?
  • What is E-Discovery and how to use it.
  • AI in legal research.
  • Document management and automation.
  • Due Diligence with Artificial Intelligence.
  • Why use software for litigation analysis.

How lawyers can utilize AI in law firms

The legal sector currently employs AI in various aspects of its work. While the presence of artificial intelligence in law offices may not be explicitly noticeable, it significantly aids lawyers and paralegals in enhancing their performance.

Specifically, AI in law firms assists legal professionals in reshaping the practice of law to prioritize client needs, offering more dedicated attention to their counsel. This is achieved by optimizing certain processes using Artificial Intelligence, allowing legal professionals to focus more on client engagement rather than spending an extensive amount of time on bureaucratic tasks.

Below, we will explore some ways in which lawyers can leverage Artificial Intelligence in their offices:

What is e-Discovery and how to use it

The simplest and most common form of AI in law is E-Discovery, the process of scanning electronic data to obtain relevant, non-privileged information about a case or complaint.

E-Discovery software enables lawyers to scan documents using search terms or specific parameters, such as dates or geographic location.

As a result, professionals gain almost instant answers, which is significantly faster than scanning printed copies. This extra time allows lawyers to uncover more relevant information.

AI in legal research

Similar to the application of E-Discovery, AI-powered legal research allows legal professionals to swiftly scan and search through vast databases of regulations, statutes, practice areas, jurisdictions, precedents, and more.

With legal research software, lawyers can gather data and gain insights into precedents. Conducting more comprehensive research at faster speeds saves both lawyers’ time and clients’ money.

Document management and automation

While law offices continue to move away from paper documents, electronic document storage presents similar challenges to storing printed documents.

Despite electronic records taking up less physical space, sorting and finding documents remains a challenge, one that is now aided by specific software utilizing Artificial Intelligence.

Using markup and profiling functionality, an AI-driven document management software can store and organize legal files, including contracts, case files, notes, emails, etc., in an easier-to-find manner.

In this way, document management solutions also enable identification privileges and check-in/check-out to maintain version control and security. Moreover, such software can integrate with other systems, such as Microsoft Office, to easily share files with others.

Additionally, document automation helps law offices create files using intelligent templates. Legal professionals can automatically fill in form fields directly from case records to templates, saving time and effort.

In light of this, legal document automation provides a centralized and efficient process for producing letters, agreements, motions, pleadings, invoices, and other legal documents that are part of legal routines.

Due diligence with Artificial Intelligence

Conducting due diligence often requires legal professionals to review a large number of documents, such as contracts, for instance. Just as in other document-related challenges, AI can assist legal professionals in conducting a faster review.

In this regard, an AI-based due diligence solution can extract documents containing a specific clause and can also detect variations or changes in the documents.

And you know what the best part is? AI can analyze documents within seconds. While it is still recommended to have a human review of the data, lawyers can benefit from the drastic reduction in manual document review effort.

Why use software for litigation analysis

Determining the viability of litigation or quantifying the value of a legal action requires an extensive analysis of precedent-setting cases. An AI-powered analytics software can swiftly review these precedents, assisting professionals in drafting more precise and suitable documents based on this data.

With all the information above, it becomes evident how the legal sector can benefit from new technologies, especially Artificial Intelligence. Therefore, staying informed about technological changes in this field and adopting available tools is crucial to being prepared for the revolution already occurring in various industries.

In this regard, Ubistart is always working in collaboration with numerous companies seeking digital transformation and active participation in the ongoing technological shift worldwide. Want to transform your business? Get in touch with us!

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