How to implement building information modeling in civil construction?

How to implement building information modeling in civil construction?

BIM is a comprehensive digital platform for integrating relevant information in the construction process of a project. There are still many people who believe that platforms using 3D tools like Autodesk can be considered as Building Information Modeling, but that’s not quite how it works.

As mentioned earlier, BIM can integrate various aspects of construction beyond the design of the project. The adoption of this technology in Brazil is already a standout globally, as we are one of the first countries to develop our legislation for the autonomous application of this system.

This initiative is known as the BIM BR strategy. It is a project aimed at defining techniques, guidelines, and protocols, as well as promoting the use of this technology and creating a national library for data collected through modeling. Although this project will only be fully implemented in 2028, we can already see significant mobilization within the Brazilian civil construction market to acquire this technology.

After all, which construction manager doesn’t dream of having BIM, right?

This is why Ubistart aims to assist you in implementing Building Information Modeling in your project developments. We are a leading company in the development of software for various industries, including civil construction.

Together, we can simplify the planning and maintenance of projects autonomously, leveraging information technology to our advantage. Therefore, we hope this content has been helpful in helping you understand what BIM is and how this technology can bring significant benefits to the planning of new projects.

If you wish to learn more about this technology and how to adapt your needs to these innovative technological solutions, don’t hesitate! Contact one of Ubistart’s specialists now and stay ahead in the future of civil construction.

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