School automation and its relationship with students

School automation and its relationship with students

School automation greatly assists educational institutions. As we know, computing is becoming increasingly prevalent in people’s lives, yet there are still activities that fail to receive improvements because they are already routine.

As in various businesses, this also happens in many schools. Today, several activities end up taking more time than they should and rigidifying employees in the execution of these processes.

Follow this article and understand more about automation and how this type of technology can help with more bureaucratic activities, reducing manual work and improving the relationship with students. Check out the topics below:

  • Why school automation is necessary
  • Benefits of school automation
  • The more manual, the more chances of error
  • School automation offers more autonomy to students

Why School Automation is Necessary

We know that managing a school is not a simple task. In this context, the work involves numerous tasks, covering educational and administrative activities, requiring employees to stretch themselves to meet all demands.

Therefore, the more manual the work, the more critical its execution can become. Additionally, manual processes end up increasing the time taken to complete tasks and, consequently, the likelihood of errors occurring.

Hence, school automation can and should be seen as an investment, as it optimizes processes, streamlines work, and enhances the quality of service to parents and students. Ultimately, this is the goal of every school.

In a hypothetical example, when parents need a student’s academic record, the record produced by a management software is delivered much faster than one done manually.

Furthermore, in an ideal world, it would be even better if parents had access to a portal that allowed them to download the academic record themselves. Thus, they wouldn’t even need to communicate directly with the school’s administration office.

So, thinking strategically, school management software works to reduce errors from manual processes, while employees have more freedom to carry out creative tasks and improve the quality of services.

Benefits of School Automation

The benefits become clearer when we observe that a management software allows responsibility for these bureaucratic tasks to lie with the software itself. We can cite the following benefits:

Integration of academic and financial information

Information security

Generation of managerial reports

Assistance in combating defaults


In this context, the school becomes less bureaucratic and more productive, consequently better serving students and parents. Thus, they have faster access to information, and communication with the school also becomes easier.

Similarly, when the management system integrates all relevant school data, administrative teams can identify who is in default, which fees have been paid, or which taxes need to be collected, for example.

On the other hand, academic records can also be monitored centrally, as the system shows how many absences each student has, grades, or how many activities have been completed.

The more manual, the more chances of error

Now, imagine manually inputting various spreadsheets to maintain this information and still needing to create reports in Word. Regardless, it’s bureaucratic, time-consuming, and can generate small errors that will later need to be audited to be located.

For example, what if all the school’s administrative information is erased due to a technical error? And if the computer containing all the school’s financial data has a burnt hard drive? Well, spreadsheets are not as secure as an automated system accessed in the cloud.

Furthermore, the student will have a much better perception of value delivery in a widely automated school. In this environment, they won’t have to queue at the administration office to request documentation or go to the library just to renew a book.

School automation offers more autonomy to the student

In conclusion, the automation of different tasks creates an atmosphere of innovation and comfort. In this sense, the student knows that they can make requests, check grades, renew books, and other activities that are part of school life, through their smartphone.

Therefore, it’s the type of investment that makes complete sense when the goal is to generate savings for the school and improve the relationship with students and parents. It’s already quite evident that technology is becoming increasingly integrated into everyday life.

If you’re interested in this topic and want to learn more, follow other content here on the blog. And if you want to talk to an expert to implement a management system in your school or company, contact us!

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