The advent of the Anywhere Office and the significance of IT for information security

The advent of the Anywhere Office and the significance of IT for information security

Despite resistance to adopting remote work, 2020 showed that it would be the only way for many companies to continue their operations.

Indeed, the COVID-19 pandemic changed everyone’s reality in a worrying way. But one positive thing could be extracted: both companies and more conservative employees realized that working outside the office is viable, delivering good results.

The changes were so significant that there is already a movement towards the anywhere office model. The idea is modern and full of advantages, but it is necessary to pay attention to the importance of IT to ensure information security.

Learn more about the subject by following the topics we have outlined:

  • What is the anywhere office?
  • How can IT help in this model?
  • Advantages of the anywhere office

What is the anywhere office?

Due to the pandemic, work arrangements have become safer by adopting the home office regime.

This model, which emerged as an urgent alternative, demonstrated benefits and has become established in many businesses. However, why limit oneself to the space of home if it’s possible to work from anywhere?

That’s the concept of the anywhere office. The translation of the term already indicates that it’s an “office anywhere” and its objective is to further expand remote work within a culture of flexibility.

Thus, the employee can carry out their activities from any location, having the freedom to move around, travel, be in collaborative spaces, etc.

It’s worth noting that with the increasing immunization of the population through vaccines, mobility is likely to increase as restrictions have been eased.

How IT can help in this model

The anywhere office model is attractive and has many benefits. However, this mode presents some challenges, especially for companies that will need to be even more concerned about information security.

Therefore, it is essential that the company’s IT is prepared to deal with the vulnerabilities of this scenario.

For this work model to function securely, it will be necessary to adapt protocols and strengthen cybersecurity processes in general.

Not to mention that it will be necessary to obtain tools that promote efficient management services, databases, and file recovery options through backups, using the services of a reliable software company.

It’s important that IT is also prepared with solutions that promote control over the use of systems and devices, establishing hierarchical levels among access permissions.

Advantages of the anywhere office

Companies with a flexible culture provide much lighter and more satisfying work environments. With the anywhere office, it’s no different, as it enables much richer exchange of experiences. Here are the main advantages:

  • Reduces stress;
  • Increases employee satisfaction and productivity;
  • Facilitates cultural growth and networking;
  • Provides savings on infrastructure expenses;
  • Helps the company retain talent from anywhere.

Thus, the anywhere office proves to be the newest trend in the job market, being a good option for both companies and employees.

The important thing is to be aware of the challenges of the model, which include both information security and options that guarantee a good working structure for employees. This way, it’s possible to combine well-being, productivity, and contemporaneity in the company.

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