What can we expect from gamification in education?

What can we expect from gamification in education?

Changes in the education system have been occurring more intensely in recent years, primarily due to the increased influence of technology in the daily lives of millions of people.

Characterized by incorporating playful tools into the teaching process, gamification has emerged as a strong alternative to complement traditional education with distinctive qualities observed and developed during games, such as concentration, teamwork, rule adherence, assertiveness, and much more.

Next, gain a deeper understanding of the importance of gamification’s development in the education system and its anticipated effects and results for the coming years. Explore the following topics:

1. What is gamification?

2. The benefits of gamification for expanding students’ horizons

3. Gamification in the technological era

4. Data indicating the success of gamification

What is gamification?

In a simplified manner, gamification is the use of elements referencing games in something outside the gaming context. An example of this is the use of scores and rewards.

Upon completing a stage in academic activities, the use of this mechanism can encourage young individuals in the learning process and has been increasingly sought after, especially in conjunction with technological innovation linked to gamification.

This methodology was accelerated primarily by the Covid-19 pandemic, which heightened the interest of educators worldwide in seeking tools that could motivate students during remote learning classes.

Gamification for expanding students’ horizons

When it comes to learning and games, two interesting starting points are the works of researchers Johan Huizinga and Roger Caillois. The former became known for the book “Homo Ludens,” while the latter published “Man, Play, and Games.”

In both books, they delve into the applicability of playfulness in a learning context. In essence, the methodology based on gamification offers the possibility of introducing recreational tools not found in the traditional model.

This method has been increasingly studied and implemented by professionals in the field, embracing the adoption of traditional games using cards and board games, as well as the integration of digital applications into the teaching process.

Benefits of gamification in education

Gamification, therefore, presents beneficial characteristics for students as they stimulate various feelings during the learning process, including:

1. Creativity

2. Competitiveness

3. Sense of reward

4. Need to work in groups to achieve objectives

Therefore, its main impact is not directly associated with the quality of education provided, as shown in a study conducted by Grobben in 2020.

In this study, it was observed that although the tests were longer, the results obtained by students did not vary much compared to traditional tests. The difference lies in the motivation of students in the face of this gamified approach, which is much higher.

Gamification in the technological era

Teaching through gamification, in its origins, was not initially conceived as a digital learning tool; quite the opposite, it was initially applied in a more rudimentary manner, using basic instruments such as a deck of cards or pens.

However, with the advancement of technology, gamification started to incorporate other elements into the process. Thus, apps, electronic devices, and other technological tools began to be integrated into students’ learning methods.

For instance, the game “Enem Game,” launched in 2015 by the Mito Games team, now offers over five thousand questions from previous tests to encourage students to prepare for exams in a playful manner.

Another modality that has been increasingly explored and encouraged in the education system as a whole is e-sports. In essence, these are competitions involving electronic games, with the participation of professionals.

According to an article published by ViewSonic, students who engage in extracurricular activities feel more motivated throughout their academic journey.

In this regard, competitive video gaming has already been adopted in some educational institutions as an extracurricular activity because it:

1. Stimulates students’ interest in traditional studies

2. Positively impacts the socialization of young people who prefer screens to physical activities.

Data indicates the success of gamification

Various studies have been conducted in recent years to assess whether the use of gamification in assessment activities has any effect on students’ performance, such as the study conducted by Marloes Grobben for her master’s thesis at the University of Twente in the Netherlands.

In this study, significant changes compared to traditional methods are not observed. However, as the difference lies precisely in motivation, gamification becomes a powerful tool for reducing inequality in students’ interest.

In another study on gamification in the classroom, the results suggest that it can be beneficial in short-term assessments, but teachers always need to explore novelty factors for the effectiveness to remain positive.

Gamification vs. Motivation

In other words, motivation only persists with the introduction of new elements to the process, requiring constant updates. Gamification may not be suitable in some cases, especially for students with greater learning difficulties, where the process may not be efficient when new elements of understanding are incorporated. For such cases, a clearer and more direct methodology is recommended.

Currently, most schools allow students to move on to the next grade with a grade of at least 7, theoretically meaning that students have only 70% overall knowledge of the subject.

However, allowing progression in this manner risks students continuing the learning process with an educational deficit, which will have direct consequences on their cognitive advancement.

In this context, the use of gamification can encourage students in the learning process through creative and playful dynamics. With greater motivation, the tendency is for the amount of assimilated knowledge to increase.

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