What is agile methodology and how it can benefit your business

What is agile methodology and how it can benefit your business

Do you happen to know how Agile methodology can bring benefits to your company’s team and, consequently, attract even more success to it?

Since the Agile process began with Jeff Sutherland in the early ’90s, this manifesto has allowed for a new way of coordinating software development. Points related to individuals and their interactions, as well as the functioning of software, collaboration with the client, and responses to changes, have been more valued and encouraged. The Agile process brings uncertainties and risks to the table early in the project.

Especially when compared to processes and tools, comprehensive documents, contract negotiations, and a focus on following a plan.

However, software is not limited to these points alone; it is essential that, in the end, it also maintains ideal quality. Take the opportunity to read the article “How to identify software quality and achieve better results” to better understand this!

It is important to emphasize that all the values mentioned above are generally of enormous importance, but the first ones ended up being even more valued in this approach.

To understand this more assertively and comprehensively, the best approach is to understand what Agile methodology is and how it can even guarantee good results for your company.

Agile methodology – explore the advantages of its application

Agile development aims to emphasize a more collaborative approach within the company’s environment, allowing people to discover more efficient ways of project development.

As a result, the internal culture of the company and even the way it is constructed play a crucial role!

From the very beginning of the process, employees need to be willing and even confident in promoting the exchange of experiences – and this needs to happen in a more objective manner with the least amount of bureaucracy possible.

It’s worth noting that, in addition to optimizing problem-solving, this approach can also help make the entire development process more flexible and agile!

Agile methodology aids in enhancing timelines and costs

Traditional methodologies, also known as waterfall, were created back in the 1970s and result in a kind of pyramid with more classical characteristics. This is because only the project scope is predetermined, with costs and timelines broadly determined only in the project development process.

This differs from the Agile process! This methodology involves generating an empirical process, applying past experiences (typically 2 or 3 team iterations) to have a more precise definition of delivery.

As a result, it is evident that this process strengthens greater optimization of costs and positively impacts the final project delivery timelines for your company.

In the final phase of development, your project is likely to have more opportunities to avoid situations such as unnecessary expenses, providing more assurances of leaving your customers highly satisfied!

The agile process facilitates greater interaction with your customers

One of the significant (if not the most significant) challenges for developers using traditional methodologies is aligning customer expectations with the final project.

On the other hand, with the Agile methodology, the customer becomes the central aspect of the entire software development process.

And why does this happen? Because deliveries are made more frequently in shorter timeframes, allowing the customer to use the product produced up to that point (or functionalities) and provide feedback as early as possible.

All of this makes it a crucial practice to promote better alignment throughout the process, mainly because it indicates to everyone involved what can or cannot be achieved, how, and even for how long!

How to implement agile methodology?

There are various practical ways to consolidate its application, with the most common being Scrum.

Scrum is essentially a framework of sprints, or cycles.

Before the cycles begin, a meeting called Sprint Planning should be conducted to define all software priorities and list all the points that need implementation.

The cycles should be defined by breaking down projects into fragments that should be completed during the Sprint execution period!

To gain a more comprehensive understanding of the application of Agile methodology, it’s worth checking out the content of the article How to Apply the Agile Startup Process for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.

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