What is industry 4.0 and how to prepare your company

What is industry 4.0 and how to prepare your company

The landscape of a more productive market is making room for a new concept: Industry 4.0 or the 4th industrial revolution.

Industry 4.0 has the potential to enhance outcomes, reduce costs, and decrease the time to solve problems.

Contrary to what many people think, this is not an event of the future but of the present.

Hence, it’s extremely necessary to understand the potential of Industry 4.0, as well as its implications in businesses.

In this regard, we have brought forth the concept of Industry 4.0, the key technologies being utilized, and how this revolution is gaining traction in companies, serving as a strategy to remain increasingly competitive. See what you will find:

  • What is Industry 4.0
  • Why is it called the 4th industrial revolution?
  • Prepare your company and stay updated

What is Industry 4.0

The concept of Industry 4.0 concerns the integration of new digital technologies and industrial automation.

This involves the use of technologies such as big data, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, the internet of things, cloud computing, robotics, machine learning, system integration, among others.

The use of these tools aims to digitise industrial activities, improving processes, making them more efficient, customisable, and increasing productivity.

With the implementation of Industry 4.0, many benefits have been achieved, such as increasing the productive capacity of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises.

Furthermore, with the modernisation of industrial processes, managers will be able to have a more strategic view of the business, reducing costs and developing the company’s organisational culture.

Why is it called the 4th industrial revolution?

Industry 4.0 is a continuation of the refinement of machines, a process that began in the first Industrial Revolution.

The first industrial revolution was marked by the advent of electricity and steam-powered machines.

The second was characterised by mass production, the use of steel steamships, and the development of significant innovations such as the airplane and mechanical refrigeration.

The most recent, the third, led to significant development and use of technological products, especially those linked to communication mediums, primarily the internet.

At this moment, we are amidst the 4th industrial revolution, which encompasses different characteristics from the others due to its scale, scope, and complexity.

Certainly, these transformations brought about by Industry 4.0 are unlike anything we’ve experienced in previous revolutions. Therefore, it’s essential that your company is prepared.

Prepare your company and stay updated

It’s inevitable not to think about how changes can be daunting, but it’s essential to embrace these new paradigms, as they are here to stay and add value to businesses.

Because of this, to prepare your company, structure a project to adapt the organization’s processes using new technologies.

But don’t forget that this change needs to be fully aligned with the company’s organizational culture. Therefore, implementing new tools is pointless if your employees are not trained to use them.

Additionally, make the most out of your data. Analyse them and make them the cornerstone for organising decisions to be more accurate.

Lastly, seek solutions to automate processes and free your team for creative tasks, being open to innovations that add value to the business.

Need help preparing your company? Count on Ubistart! We offer custom digital solutions for your company to keep up with Industry 4.0.
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